Fast-Track Your School Marketing Efforts
Ready to take your independent school marketing skills to the next level? We've got you covered!
Read: Course Overview
Watch: How to Use This Course
Watch: Meet Your Instructor
Read: They Have the Power
Website Audit
Engage: Website Audit
Bonus: Podcast on Video Production
Read: They Have a Logo, So They Have a Good Brand... Right?
What is Branding?
Portrait of a Graduate
Bonus: Podcast on How to Create a Winning School Brand
Read: The 1990s Want Their Silos Back
Watch: Admission Marketing
Bonus: Podcast on Marketing and Admissions
Engage: Create a Content Calendar
Read: Yes, Electronic Mail is Still a Thing
Watch: Email Marketing Overview
Watch: Email Subject Line Best Practices
Watch: Email Lists
Engage: Create Email Subject Lines
Read: Organic, Paid... Or Both?
Watch: SEO & PPC, Oh My!
Watch: Leveraging Review Sites
Engage: Identify Keywords
Engage: Complete the Course Feedback Form